A new creation concocted with the richest tastes

It was with pleasure that we premiered our new production, « Les 4 saveurs de l’amour » ("The Four Savors of Love"), an aperitif-Baroque concert full of humor and uncommmon music, on September 11th at the Abbey of Moyenmoutier (in the context of Faenza's residence at the Festival des Abbayes en Lorraine) and September 16th at the Château de Lassay.

Olga Pitarch: vocals, castanets
Marco Horvat: vocals, theorbo, Baroque guitar
Francisco Mañalich: vocals, bass viol, Baroque guitar

We thank the enthusiastic audience who turned out in large numbers to discover this beautiful music.

You weren't able to come see us live at either of these two concerts?
No problem, you can get a glimpse of the Moyenmoutier concert by clicking here.


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Translations by Sally Gordon Mark

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